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Tips for a Quick Clean Up When You’re Short on Time

Συμβουλές για καθαρό σπίτι όταν δεν υπάρχει χρόνος!

Tips for a Quick Clean Up When You’re Short on Time

It has happened to every one of us: Guests coming for a visit at a short notice! There are two options here, you can either panic and do nothing or organize with the help of our guide below.



You don’t have to clean the whole house when you’re in a time crunch, just the rooms you know people are going to see. Your guests will most likely be sticking to the kitchen and the living room, so you can probably forget about the bedrooms and other rooms. Make sure to close the doors of rooms you don’t want people to go into—out of sight, out of mind!

Stay Organized

Write down the rooms you need to look after and the basic actions you need to perform in those rooms.

Attack in Zones

Now that you have your plan, attack the mess one room at a time, trying to spend no more than 10-15 minutes in each zone.

  • Living Room: Look at the room, grab any loose items, like remotes, and throw them in a drawer. The dishes should be returned to the sink and if there is any garbage it should be thrown out. Straighten up any books or magazines on the coffee table. Fluff the pillows and place them nicely on the couch. Do a quick wipe down of all the flat surfaces (including the TV) and if you have time, try to vacuum a bit to remove dust.
  • Kitchen: Get all the dishes out of the sink and into the dishwasher. Take a minute to clear off all the counters—food items should go back in the fridge and any odds and ends can be thrown in a drawer, to be dealt with later. Wipe down the counters and the appliances as necessary and give the floor a quick sweep.
  • Bedroom: Take a minute to make your bed—it has a surprisingly big impact. Look around and grab anything that’s on the floor—laundry should go in the basket and everything else should be put away. If you have a big amount of stuff on your dresser or bedside table, place them all into a drawer at least for the time being. The less clutter you can have on your flat surfaces, the tidier your bedroom will appear. Vacuum if you there is time.
  • Bathroom: Put away any loose items that are by the sink or vanity. Wipe down the sink and the mirror and give the toilet a quick scrub. Empty the trashcan and use a dry flat mop on the floor to remove any dust or lint.
  • Breathe! Once you’ve completed the zones and checked everything off your list, take a deep breath. You did it!



"Tip: For a quick and effective cleaning choose cleaning products from REALSHOP!"

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